Monday, May 24, 2010

Wow... He got A Girlfriend already.

When someone told me "he has a girlfriend now"
I was like... Wow! Great! He finally get in a relationship.
Which, again I don't give much hope on it...
I know I know... It's not very good of me being
sarcastic. But you know what? I enjoy it...

And I'm dying to meet his girlfriend. So,
I would give everything to take a look at his
girlfriend. (you seriously think I will give up
everything I've got? *cross fingers*)

As I said, meet, therefore talk or introduction between
us is not necessary... Maybe I just want to know how
pretty his girlfriend is... Seriously, I will be very jealous
if he get a superb hot girlfriend. Perhaps, I can
save this jealousy for the next time.

Why is it so important about his girlfriend's face?
I don't know... Maybe I hope I can get a superb hot
girlfriend too...

I know I'm pathetic...
But I do hope this is the right one for him...
After all those failure, I think he had already
learnt enough to maintain a good relationship.

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