Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Week in AIMST

Wow! First of all... I want to say 'AIMST! You bastard! You should
have told me what to bring before I go to the Uni!' I have to skip classes
for the monday and follow my mum to buy me the accessories for class.
What kinda accessories? Clothes of course! I have to buy formal shirt
for lecture hours. Lame, right? But they left me no choice. IDIOT Samy.

Apparently, I don't have much time to join my mum for the lunch or
dinner. Kinda disappointing, can't really have a farewell with her...

I went back to my hostel around 7pm. And met my roomies, they
are totally not a medicine student type... Hahaha... I thought
most of the med. students are total geek. But not for them~
They are funny and nice.

I met new friends of course. But only one that I like to stick
with. My buddy? I don't know... Can't sure about it. Will post
up his photo if I have a chance, you know, it's not really
easy to snap some people who you just knew for couple of days.
*Cough*... Actually it's just three days... xD

Talking about three days, I was there for three days lectures.
Maybe not complete for the third day. I already skip class.
Hahaha... Another rocket fast attitude. My roomie scoffed me
for went in study a week later after the commencement date.
And started to skip class after I studied three days...

I don't mean it... I need to settle things down. And this would be
the last time too. How big is AIMST? Can anyone answer me?
I googled it, but I didn't expect the answer I want. I guess
google is not my best friends. So I always fail to get my answer.
But it takes time like 5 ~ 7 minutes to reach the faculty
department from campus. And like 15~20 minutes from hostels
to the front door. LOL... Kill me! I haven't tried out the facilities
over there yet... Looking forward~ =D

p/s: will try to upload photos if i did snap some, I have lab coat too... but i hate it..i look puffy

Friday, August 21, 2009

Rocket Fast

So, I was so busy when I found out that AIMST actually has
an intake this month. Then I told my mum about it. Me and she
(actually is only she) were so busy, phoned here and there. Just
like don't wanna let any chance slip away from the fingers.
And I felt wanna run away, it was like happening too fast. I knew
it today(monday) then I have to go next week.

I was afraid, and want to pull off from this business. It is not really
a big deal if I knew it last month. This is kinda rush, like A F1 rush.
I knew it in the last minute. But if I'm not going to enroll it, I would
have to wait for the next intake, next august or july. Please, I
would be a year older, youth run away, wrinkle comes out, grow
more beard, one year away from my marriage, one year away
from earning money....

"Hey! Stop Being Sissy!"

But I have no choice, I guess. Like a Zathura game, once you start,
then you have to finish it. I enrolled, and I get the news on friday.
Then go by monday, then study... Woo.. I guess it's like a rocket
fast already. =D

Still have to pack up my stuff. LOL, here you go, my heroine
Ms. Suitcase! I will need to gag it with all my clothes... Muahaha!

Stop here~~

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today is just happened to be my
bad luck day. I'm been busy for preparing
the papers needed to submit for apply U.
Then the clerk said, i will need to go back again
to take the certified paper since nobody
can sign for me on that time.

Then I went back home. Hah! Then I bumped
to traffic police. He accused me not switch on
the front light, have no "P" sticker, and
broken plate.

Then the traffic police called me to stop by
aside, and I was muttering to myself
"Damn, I don't have P sticker!"
In this case, what I can do is ask him to
give me a chance. I said, it won't happen
again, bla bla bla~

Then he charged me for not switching on
the front light. Which I have to pay for 30bucks.
Phew~.. Should I say so? 30bucks not a
small number somehow, which probably allow
me to have great meal in some restaurant.
But 30bucks for three offences, it's
quite reasonable.

So, I went back to school again to get my
papers and then complain to my Sir, TKK.
Which I will do all the time when I have creepy
stuff happened. And Hah! He left his cell phone
behind. Luckily it was after school, so I follow him
and kept on dialing his cell. Hope that we can hear
the ring tone of it.

And mission accomplished! He is lucky, but not
me. But he is so kind, and he said he is going
to pay me 10bucks for helping him. And I refused...
Haha... Such a good boy, isn't it? =)

Today is just Mr. Tan lucky Day, and I happened to be his lucky star. Today is just not my lucky day, and it happened that no one would be my lucky star.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


每天好吃好住,生活真的是... ... 怎么说呢?

做个猪脚王!是真的 T-T
踩了一次... 不对是三次... 不不不!我看是更多,

所以迫不得已就得破财消灾, 去银行
提出我的血汗钱 :

觉得它会有的 style 这样说不知道懂没。

可是老妈说不用买那么贵啦~ 我想买的

终于都选到啦,70 零吉的。虽然跟80零吉

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


七月篇 ,
由于为了考试,向朋友借了笔记来参考。说真的,有点傻眼,kns! 怎么这么难哦?由于没有答案,所以我开始焦急,心想“不行!得补习” 不过这些都是其次,因为我不担心没人教。真正想学的其实是烹饪,虽然不是什么摆得上台的菜肴,至少能填腹,也算不错了吧。学了很多,说真的,都不是很喜欢。为什么呢?因为我想煮些只是一样的菜肴就算一餐,简单,容易,随处都可以煮。所以真正喜欢的只有三样咯。由于记忆力衰退,有时会忘记该放哪样先。搞什么?! *啪!* 结果女佣都忍不住拿我来笑话。算啦~她不嫌弃教我,我都感激不尽啦!海鲜粥,炒饭,面粉糕倒是我的最爱。


为了大众口味,换了原料~ 还是很不错的说


亡,皇委会的成立还会那么的举浮不定吗?结果可想而知。以证人身份协助调查,下场竞是如此的可笑,也是以此使到我国得以在外国搏出一点名堂,简直是怠笑街坊,国家之耻。竟然还天真地说“他的死与我们无关” “我们已经释放明福” 试问,没有通过你们,何来的从高楼坠落?为何仍持有被释放者的手提电话呢?















就什么都说 ‘所以?’,不是所有事都需要理由的



我知道了,虽然我现在还是一样,我发现到,就连跟我妈,我都是”所以?所以?“的问个没完。可是“所以”让我知道人们想说什么,再做出适当的回应。不过亦让我发现他其实有点成熟,怎么说呢?我说不出,是靠感觉,还有其他他说的话。当事人也承认的,说不是,就不算男人噢... ...
看着电话,发现原来,原来我没有你的照片。惭愧~ 也因为你有我的照片,更让我无地自容。我只想说,我不会表达,但希望你读得出。



咳... ... 原谅我的情绪失控。原来爬上去不是最累人的,而是下去时。为什么?去试看呗,不就真相大白了咯。

后记:之后知道原来太平山更高! *啊!啊!啊!*





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