Monday, June 29, 2009


时间流逝,有谁能够与时间搏斗? 内心的世界就犹如小飞侠,不想长大。时光的摧残,穷追猛打,丝毫没有商量的余地。一扫而过,留下的就只有遍地尸骸,惨不忍睹。有如1226大海啸,一扫而过带来的悲剧。经过许多次的磨练,提防心逐渐建起,思想不再单纯。勾心斗角、重心机、不择手段几乎已成家常便饭。有谁还能够维持一颗赤子之心?





Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age
The child is grown, and puts away childish things.
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The 11th

When I was 8 (1998).
That was quite a huge surprise for me.
Never ever thought of it.
Not for everyone too. So, how
about me who was just a little small kid?

Well, even until now I couln't help
stop thinking the cause of it. Though
there were some thing blah blah blah
not important. Farting around me.

Count on the year, 98, 99, 00,01,
02,03,04,05,06,07,08 and 09.
Today is the day, the 11th anniversary.
Maybe... or forever I will never get
to meet you again. I wish you would be
all right out there.

And whenever I thought of it, I really
appreciate those who helped
out a lot on the other day. I thank you all
with a million and billion times. Though
sometimes I forgot what favor you did
for us. But I always remind myself to remember
those who helped you, and you are gonna pay
them with the rest of your life when is
under your capability.

And he marks my words...

Monday, June 15, 2009

ManTis AttaCk !!

So last night, I went to Cheeho's house
to get some notes. As usual, I will just stop by
and have a chat with him. Who won't do
it when they met their old friend?

That conversation was quite a long one.
Until my mum asked my little brother(not small at all)
to come and called me home. :P
(I don't mean it)
So, what's the reason she was calling
me to go home? She is very encouraging when
I said I will meet up with my friends.
Hehe... Unlike my elder... Use to stay in
front of computer and no society..

Then I remembered she bought my
favourite durian... Kekeke...
Wow! How can I forget that? Never, never
ever ever!! Not many but I'm satisfied
with them... maybe can de-thirst me
a little bit. Then blah blah blah...

Then I went back to my room again.
One green thing just caught my attention.
It's very enormous and obvious when it
is the only green spot on my plain white floor.
It's a ManTis! Haha! It's been a long time, I used
to catch a small mantis as a pet.
They are harmless when they were small.

Then I thought of played with it.
See? What's the reaction of it? A kungfu mantis.
Unbelievable! When I swung my hand
in front of it, it didn't even want to
bother me... Fine, I'm powerless.
Then I will let my embrace do it.
Hahaha... Then it finally reacted and
seemed a little furious. Okie, maybe is
not a little bit. It hold the post for more than
one minute.. Like the king of Yoga? Hahaha!

Finally I gave up to waste my time with it.
I was Afraid it will fly up and jump on me.
And had a cut on my face... SHooT..
Better don't make it happens.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Something Else

She is a diamond, I am a stone.
She has good manners, I'm rough all around.
You can be princess, you can be a working man.
But in the end,

We all want something else.
We all want something strange to us.
We all want something we can't have.

Well, you can spend your whole life looking
for something.
Something that might be right in front
of your eyes.
But you'll be looking for something else,
you'll never find.

aid from "something else"

It's so strong, so strong that I was getting confused. The
ambition that right in the bottom of my heart. It has prepared
for this chance since long time ago. Waiting for the chance,
and burst out and consume me.

And then I'm still fighting, thought of is good that
it consume me and overtake me. But even it has
overtaken me, it's not gonna make any difference.
'Cause the fact is the fact, it's not gonna change forever and ever.
It will only ends me up in a miserable world.

Like he said, we gonna look at things from different angles.
Second may not as good as the first, but can't deny it
just because it is not the best one. This isn't fair for anyone.
I know I want something else, but it isn't possible for me
to ask for it. It's too impossible of impossible.

Maybe the best way for now is ask for a quit fighting
request with the lord ambition. And just wait for the
second aid coming. Seriously, don't really give much
hope on it.

I'm sick of it!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009




屌屌屌,我不管你看不看。看了就不要 来鸟我。
就算你来鸟 就算你懒屌 我也不会
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